Strategies for Your Therapist Blog | TherapySites

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Strategies for Your Therapist Blog

4 Useful Blogging Tips

Blogging is one of the best ways to attract new clients and improve your rapport with existing clients. While an engaging blog can help grow your client base, a neglected blog can do just the opposite. It’s not enough to simply set up a blog for your practice — you need to monitor and update it often, just like your practice website. With the right level of attention, your blog can help keep your clients engaged and bring in a new target audience.

Tip #1: Post Frequently — and Consistently

If you are an avid blog reader ask yourself this question: Do you remember the last time you revisited a blog that wasn’t updated? Probably not, right? Before you begin your blog, it’s important to establish goals. Think of a realistic number of blog posts you can create in a week, and commit to that number. If clients know that you post every Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, they may be more consistent readers. Increased visitors to your blog can favorably impact your ranking with Google. The more often you can post the better, but don’t bog yourself down with blog posts that you don’t have time to finish.

Tip #2: Provide Practice Updates

A blog is a powerful tool for driving traffic to your website. Have information about exciting discounts for first time clients? Moving your practice? Your blog is a great way to get the word out about promotions, new office hours or any changes to your practice that clients would like to know. Make it easy for readers to find information about your company by making your website and blog easy to navigate.

Tip #3: Write with Passion

It goes without saying that it’s important to keep up with trends and news within your industry that you think clients should read about. But it takes more than just regurgitating what others have already said or crafting a keyword-stuffed post. In fact, ever since Google launched its Hummingbird update, quality content is much more useful than keywords alone. Instead, write your blog as if you were conversing with one person over a cup of coffee rather than a large, informal audience. Passionate blog posts will shine through, and may increase your website traffic and dedicated readership.

Tip #4: Encourage Client Engagement

Unlike your website, blogging gives you a valuable opportunity to personally engage clients. You have an interactive and easy way to address clients directly. By asking questions or encouraging clients to share their relevant stories, you can get the virtual ball rolling on audience engagement. Of course, if someone comments or asks questions on your blog, it is important that you respond to it as soon as possible. By actively connecting with potential clients, you show your dedication and genuine interest in what they are saying.
A well-maintained blog can boost traffic, give your practice a voice, and give you the opportunity to share information with readers across social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook. Choose a blogging platform that is easy to use and supports widgets that link to your social media accounts. While TherapySites doesn’t offer a blogging tool, Blogger, Squarespace and WordPress platforms are extremely user-friendly and provide customization to fit your practice. What are you waiting for? Start blogging now to improve your business.


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