Do You Make These 8 Online Marketing Mistakes? | TherapySites

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Do You Make These 8 Online Marketing Mistakes?

You made the investment. Built a website and social media pages for your practice. But where do you go from there? Many companies aren’t sure and their online marketing efforts go by the wayside. Here are 8 of the most common marketing mistakes. And how you can avoid them.

No Written Marketing Plan

Many small businesses have no written marketing plan. You don’t need a pile of paper the size of a diagnostic manual, but you do need something. You’d be surprised at what you can get done with even a 1-2 page plan.

Start by asking basic questions about who you’re trying to reach. Where do they spend their time online? What matters to them? How can you meet their most urgent needs?

Not Using Content Marketing

Engaging with content is the main reason people go online. This is especially true with health information. You already spend every day answering your client’s questions. So you have a goldmine of valuable content you can create in your head.

If you don’t have time or know-how to write on a regular basis, hire a skilled content writer to do the heavy lifting. You only have to provide the creative direction.

Neglecting Social Media

Apple estimates people use their iPhones every 11 minutes. They spend much of that time on social media. A social media plan helps clients stay connected with you. And credibility on social media goes a long way with boosting word-of-mouth recommendations.

Not Managing Online Reputation

Even with word-of-mouth reviews, many people do online research before making an appointment. These days people trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations. Managing your online reputation makes it easy for clients to put in a good word for you. It also builds a solid online reputation for your business.

No Investment in Search Engine Optimization

SEO helps you stand out in your local community. Local search results, especially on mobile, are a common way for people to find a new practice like yours. Keywords focused on your specialties won’t only boost revenue and traffic. It will also enable you to connect with more clients who need the services you offer.

Difficult Online Appointment Scheduling

Online appointments are especially important for millennial clients. Being able to interact with a business online 24/7 is a priority to them. Even for everyone else, an online appointment form is easier than a phone call. Especially when work hours don’t always match your business hours.

Disregarding Mobile Technology

More people now use a smartphone to access the web than any other device. This is a problem if you don’t have a mobile-friendly responsive website. A non-responsive website often has difficulty loading on a mobile device. Not to mention, they can be very slow and difficult to use. In this case, many people will leave your website and look elsewhere.

Have More Questions?

Maintaining a digital marketing plan can be a lot to keep up with. But these strategies will help you avoid the mistakes that harm your efforts the most. If you want professional support, contact a digital marketing team – like us at TherapySites. We can work together to help your practice thrive.


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