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Networking Strategies for Therapists

Learn How to Network On and Offline

While your work should always speak for itself, we have to face the fact that networking has become an essential part of advancing any business, especially therapy. Building strong relationships with your clientele in the hopes of getting referrals is what really drives your practice. A referral from a friend or family member is 50 times more likely to sway a consumer’s purchasing decision. If you can’t make a good first impression with your clients, it’s going to be difficult to market your services successfully, no matter how you choose to do it. Learn how therapists can network both online and offline to boost their business and gain the exposure they need.

Don’t Ask for Referrals Up Front
When it comes to building professional relationships with other therapists, remember that no relationship is one-sided. If you approach another therapist or doctor and ask for a referral right away, you could make a bad first impression. Instead, change your approach and inquire about their specialties to see if you can refer them to any of your clients. They will be much more willing to refer clients to you if they get a few referrals in return. Where clients are concerned, it’s acceptable to ask clients that mention how happy they are with your practice for a referral.

Join a Colleague Support Group
Connecting with other successful therapists is a crucial part of networking, particularly if you have a specific specialty. It’s important to spend some actual face-time with these therapists to be able to market yourself successfully. A support group gives you an excellent opportunity to turn to your colleagues for advice on dealing with challenging clients, as well as a chance to share your own therapy knowledge. Over time, the trust that will naturally develop in your regular support group meetings will lead to consistent referrals among the members — giving you a steady referral base.

Get Involved in Your Community
While it’s great to connect on a more personal level with other therapists, don’t forget about the people who matter most: the community. After all, this is where your clients come from. If your practice is already an active part of the community, then it’s time to up the ante. This means getting involved in local outreach and participating with other community members who support causes you feel strongly about. Nothing can beat actually getting involved in your community and making a difference. This is also an effortless way to gain referrals from community members.

Log Off and Step Outside
Power down your computer and promote your therapist practice by hosting events. Public speaking, workshops and private consultations are great networking options to showcase your practice and connect with both potential clients other therapists.

These are just a few easy networking strategies that you can implement to bring more clients into your practice. By not factoring local therapists, physicians, professionals and organizations into your marketing strategy, you are missing out on a wealth of opportunities that could become the basis for many of your referrals. Online marketing is definitely the ruler of the land, but there is no denying the power of personal networking.


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